31 Ocak 2012 Salı

How to Move or Migrate Data Store on XenApp 6 to another Server.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

In order to Migrate Data Store residing on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express install Microsoft SQL 2008 Express Management Studio tool to take a backup of MF20 Database residing on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express.
You can download X64 Bit of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express from here

Once you have the Management Studio Installed, Login to your Source Server and take a backup of the MF20 Database. The File Name will be MF20.Bak

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on the Host Server and install the Management Studio and Login and create a Blank Database called MF20, once you have the database created, Restore the Database which is been backed up.
Once the restoration is Successful, now we need to point the XenApp Server to New Datastore.
Stop Citrix Independent Management Architecture (IMA)Services on the XenApp Server.
On the XenApp Server Open ODBC and click on File DSN and click on ADD, Select SQL Server and click on next and click on browse and point it to the MF20.dsn residing in the IMA Folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture)
(See Screenshot)

Select MF20.dsn and click on Finish.
Now you need to point MF20.dsn to the New SQL Server through creating a New Data Source
(See Screenshot)

After pointing the MF20.dsn to MF20 Database on the New Server, recreate Local Host cache (LHC) on the Source Server (Please make sure you have stopped IMA Services before recreating LHC)

Now Start Citrix Independent Management Architecture (IMA) Services and open Citrix Delivery Services Console and verify Farm is connecting to the Datastore.

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