31 Ocak 2012 Salı

Common SSL Error Messages, and Respective Cause and Resolution

Various SSL Related Error Messages and the Resolution for the Same
The following is the list of some of the SSL-related error messages that an ICA client might return when attempting to connect to a MetaFrame server or published application using SSL:
  • Error Message: Troubleshooting SSL Error 4 with Secure Gateway
    : Refer to CTX105390 - Troubleshooting SSL Error 4 with Secure Gateway
  • Error Message: SSL security context is invalid or expired (SSL 15).
    : Upgrade the Win32 ICA client to version 6.30.1050 or later.
  • Error Message: Cannot connect to the Citrix MetaFrame server. There is no route from the Citrix SSL Relay to the specified subnet address (SSL error 37).
    : Refer to CTX103203 - Error: Cannot connect to the Citrix MetaFrame server. There is no route from the Citrix SSL Relay to the specified subnet address (SSL error 37).
  • Error Message: SSL Error 37: The proxy could not connect to ;10; (STA server);(sid) port 1494”
    This problems seems to occur only when the XenApp server and ICA Client are using different DNS servers
    Enabling XML Service DNS address resolution allows a XenApp server to return the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to ICA Clients using the Citrix XML Service
  • Error Message: The Citrix SSL Relay sent a close alert (SSL Error 43)” or SSL Error 4.
    : Refer to the following Knowledge Center articles:
    CTX101685 - �The Citrix SSL Relay sent a close alert (SSL Error 43)� or SSL Error 4
    CTX116743 - Error: Cannot connect to the Citrix Presentation Server. SSL Error 43
  • Error Message: The Remote SSL peer sent a bad certificate alert. (SSL Error 49).
    : Upgrade the Macintosh ICA client to version 6. 20.142.
  • Error Message: The remote SSL peer sent an unrecognized alert (SSL Error 55)....Error : 132
    : The SSL Error 55 is caused by an invalid certificate or a missing root certificate.
    : Install an appropriate certificate.
  • Error Message: Security alert: The name on the security certificate does not match the name of the server (SSL error 59).
    : The ICA Client is attempting to connect to the server using its NetBIOS name, IP address, or a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) that does not match the subject of the server's certificate. To connect successfully, the ICA Client must connect using the DNS name of the server exactly as it appears on the server certificate.
    : In the NFuse scenarios, you must set AddressResolutionType=dns or dns-port in nfuse.conf and enable DNS name resolution on the farm properties panel in the Citrix Management Console. Refer to the following documents for more information about DNS name resolution:
    Page 65 of the Administrator's Guide for MetaFrame XP with Feature Release 1.
  • Error Message: Any of the following error messages:
    • The server certificate received is not trusted (SSL error 61).
    • Cannot connect to the Citrix (XenApp or Presentation) Server.
    • SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust “Common”, the issuer of the server’s security certificate.
    • The following are the probable reasons for these error messages:
    • The required Certificate Authority (CA) Root certificate is not installed on the client device.
    • If the server certificate was issued by an intermediate certification authority, the Win32 ICA Client version 6.20.985 does not connect using SSL. This is a client-side issue that affects the 32-bit ICA Client Version 6.20.985 connecting through the Citrix SSL Relay Service or Citrix Secure Gateway.
    • The validity of the server certificate presented also relies on the client date and time. The SSL error 61 has is also displayed if the client time is outside the validity period (date time stamp) of the server certificate.
    • Administrator might have configure Citrix Secure Gateway to have the client log in to the Web Interface site, which then redirects the client to the Citrix Secure Gateway appliance after the application has started. The Secure Gateway appliance proxies the connection. If DNS is not correct, the client machine might be directed or resolved to a site that it actually does not trust. When directly accessing the Citrix Secure Gateway Server from the client machine, the client displays the following security alert:
    If you display the certificate, it indicates that it was not from the Citrix Secure gateway site.
    Resolutions: The following are the probable resolutions for these error messages:
    • If you are using a well-known public certification authority, such as VeriSign, Baltimore, Thawte, or RSA, then the required root certificate already exists on the client devices running a recent copy of Windows. However, if you either are using your own certificate server to generate server certificates or a trial certificate from a CA, you need to install the CA Root certificate on all client devices for them to connect. For more information about CA Root certificates and the necessity of the same, refer to the white paper CTX16830 - Using the Citrix SSL Relay.
    • If the issue related to the client-side affecting the 32-bit ICA Client Version 6.20.985 connecting through the Citrix SSL Relay Service or Citrix Secure Gateway is resolved in versions 6.20.986 and later of the Win32 ICA Client. You can download the latest version of the Win32 ICA client from the Citrix Web site.
    • If the issue related to the client date and time being invalid, then adjust the client time to reflect the current and date.
    • For the DNS resolution issue, ensure that the DNS is properly configured between the client computer and the FQDN of the Citrix Secure Gateway Server.
  • Error Message: The connection was rejected. The SSL certificate is no longer valid. Please contact your Citrix Administrator (SSL error 70).
    : The server certificate installed on the MetaFrame server is not yet valid or has expired. A common problem observed when using Microsoft Certificate Services to generate digital certificates in-house is that the period of validity might not begin until the day after the certificate is generated.
    : The SSL server certificates typically have a fixed set of valid dates. The system clock of the client devices as well as the server must be set to a time that falls within that range for an SSL connection to succeed. To determine the validity date of your server certificate, double-click the certificate file and notice the Valid from and Valid to fields.
  • Error Message: On the Macintosh computer, one or more of the root certificates in the keystore are not valid (SSL error 73).
    : The Macintosh root certificate might to be in a CER format.
    : The Macintosh certificates need to be in a DER format with the .crt extension. If the root certificate is copied properly to the keystore/cacerts folder and the user still gets this error when trying to connect, then refer to CTX104638 - Error: One or more of the certificates in the keystore directory are not trusted (SSL Error 73) to resolve the issue.
  • Error Message: SSL Error 82: The Security certificate (TheNameOfYourCertificateAuthority) is not suitable for use in SSL connections. Reason: Unsuitable Netscape Usage Extension field.
    : Refer to CTX113002 - SSL Error 82: The Security certificate (TheNameOfYourCertificateAuthority) is not suitable for use in SSL connections. Reason: Unsuitable Netscape Usage Extension field.
  • Error Message: Cannot connect to the Citrix (XenApp or Presentation) Server. There in no Citrix SSL server configured on the specified address.
    : Refer to CTX115468 - Error: Cannot connect to the Citrix Presentation Server. There is no Citrix SSL server configured on the specified address..
  • Error Message: Cannot connect to the Citrix (XenApp or Presentation) Server.
    The Citrix SSL Server you have selected is not accepting connections.
    : The Citrix server default port number might have been changed from 1494 to another port number.
    : The following are the probable solutions for this issue:
    • Ensure that the ipv4-port address resolution is configured on the NFuse server.
    • Check and ensure that the wfclient.ini file has the appropriate ProxyType=Auto setting.
    • Ensure that the STA UID listed in the Access Management Console and Secure Gateway Configuration Wizard is valid. An in-place upgrade of Presentation Server 4.0 to Presentation Server 4.5 or XenApp 5.0 modifies the UID value in the CTXSTA.config file. Reconfigure a valid STA using the Secure Gateway Configuration Wizard and the Access Management Console.
      : For Presentation Server 4.0 and later, append the :<port number> entry for the XML Service port, which must match the STA port.
    • Use other standard troubleshooting methods, such as telnet, to ensure that the port 1494 is open between the Secure Gateway or Access Gateway and the XenApp or Presentation servers.

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